Toyota Repair: 1989 Toyota 4Runner ignition cylinder, toyota 4runner, release pin

Hello, I have a 1989 4Runner with 228k, SR5 EFI with the 4 cylinder. I read one of your answers about ignition switches, I think I have a bad one, I would like to replace mine, but I can not find the release pin you mention in another question. Can you help? I was having trouble, sometimes I would have to jiggle the key to start it, and I could remove the key from the ignition while it was running, the ignition was so old and loose. Now it will not do anything, and the power seems to have been coming on and off. It will not even turn over. I replaced the starter a year ago, I am sure the battery is good. I think it is the ignition cylinder, but not really sure. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.  ~ Kevin

If the key is difficult to move the lock cylinder is probably worn and needs to be replaced, the pin can be located by looking at the new switch, remove the covers around the steering wheel and locate the opening on the lock housing that has the release pin in it, the key has to be in the "ACC" position in order to depress the pin.