Toyota Repair: loud lifters, timing chain, factory specs

I own the 96 4wd Tacoma(4 cyl 92000 miles).   I asked a question about my lifters being loud.  I told you how the timing chain was replaced right after I had bought the truck used. You asked if the noise was occuring before I had the timing chain replaced.  Yes, there was a noise coming from the engine, so i had the timing chain replaced.  The mechanic said that the lifters would quiet down afterwards, but they didnt.  So now, i have a brand new timing chain, but the lifters are still very loud and from the mechanics point of view it sounds like I need to have the lifters reshimmed back to factory specs.  If I have the valves reshimmed, does this solve all of my problems with this engine, or am I just fixing a small part of something big?

I have no answer for you if adjusting the valves will fix all of the problems,since I can't hear the noise it is very difficult to diagnose, as I already said and as you just verified the noise was there before and probably was not the timing chain, since it was there before and replacing the timing chain did not make the noise go away.
Does this make sense?
The mechanic told you the noise would eventually go away but it didn't, so now you have a brand new timing chain but there is still the engine noise which tells me that the guy that replaced the timing chain misdiagnosed the problem and replaced the timing chain thinking it would correct the engine noise but unfortunately he was wrong since the noise is still there.
I wiil suggest that you have a technician that really knows what they are doing diagnose the noise, I can't help anymore, sorry.