Tractor Repair: TC 29 New Holland, safety interlock switches, holland dealer

I just recently discovered that the TC 29 has a safety feature whereas, a plug that screws into the transmission housing that has 2 wires connected to this plug must be connected to 2 more wires under the left rear tire or the tractor won't start after it has been turned off. When 1 of these wire becomes disconnected, the tractor still runs, but won't restart after the switch has been turned off. My question, is this a necessity & can this safety feature be bypassed? And, where can I find the diagram of wiring about this feature? Many thanks on any helpful information.

  There are a couple of safety interlock switches, one on the clutch pedal or transmission if a gear drive model.  On the forward/reverse pedal if a hydrostatic drive model, on the pto lever, and in the seat.  These are to prevent starting in gear, with the pto engaged, or the operator not sitting in the seat.  Sorry, but for safety reasons, I will not and can not recommend bypassing any of the switches.  It could be done but what if someone gets hurt, then whose fault is it and who gets sued?  The only way I know of to get a wiring diagram is to contact a New Holland dealer.