UK Car Repair: Car wont start, volvo 760 gle, throttle position sensor

I have a 1990 volvo 760 GLE. When I go to start the will crank but won't turn over. The car did this before, I would drive the car come to a stop and the car would shut off. Then it would not turn over, I kept cranking but no luck. One time I took the hose that comes from this part that pulls a wire when you press the gas pedel. I blew in it and the car started. Never had a problem until now. The car sat for about 3 months. I put a new battery and went to start it .It cranked and cranked for awhile then it started. Took it for a ride no problems. now it is doing the same thing but it won't turn over. Is it the fuel pump or is it the filter. I do not know where to look for these parts in the engine. can you help?

Volvo: Pronounced (Voll-Vough) translated meaning "I roll" which is good because it makes pushing them all the easier.

I have had a few do this; it was traced to a bad Idle Air Control. However, many things can cause this not excluding a stuck EGR valve and a bad Throttle position sensor. Take it to a Volvo Guru. Look up some of the Volvo Owners clubs and see who they recommend in your aria.

I do not recommend you do this work yourself. Even very competent mechanics fall victim to these cars and end up
Whacked out in the back room beating up the vending machines... or so I have heard.

They are real time killers! You have been forewarned!

Good luck to you.

