Driving & Driving Test Tips: SpeedingTicket, radar unit, radar gun

I live in South Carolina, and was recently ticketed for 80 mph in a 65 mph zone. I understand radar detectors aren't 100% reliable, but when my radar detector went off, the speed I was going was less than the speed I was ticketed for. I asked the officer to see the radar gun, and he declined my request, nervously stating that "he was not required by law to show me this". I felt as if he was guessing what speed I was going, which is why I made this request, and his decline to allow this proved his guilt to me. Is there a SC law that allows me to see his radar? All in all, I am trying to get out of this ticket...what can I do?

there is no law that the radar unit has to be shown in CA but I don't know about SC.  you can gon online or to the library to get the SC vehicle code to research this point.

you can always fight a ticket.  many times the officer doesn't show up and you are home free or take traffic schoo, or bring it to the attention of the judge that you were not going that fast and the officer would not show you the speed he saw.  he ight not have it if he did not lock it in before stopping you.  but court is a roll of the dice.