Tips on Buying Cars: Simoniz 5 ... again!, genuine simoniz, travelers insurance

Hi Aaron. You recently endorsed the Simoniz 5 surface treatment but to negotiate it for $250. I have seen the 'genuine' Simoniz 5 System product itself sold on eBay for as little as $19.99 , two bottles ( a wash and the wax ). I also noticed that each bottle is only 4 oz.. Are these legit? Is 4 oz enough to wax my Grand Cherokee??? Advice appreciated!!!

Hi Brad,

Here's the deal. You MAY be seing the real deal on eBay. Those are the right number and size bottles, so it probably is. They're more than enough to do your Jeep. Herein lies the problem, Simoniz doesn't charge us for the "product" at all. They charge us for the contract that gives you the warranty backed by Travelers Insurance/Citigroup. In my store we pay $214 per contract. Someone has apparently stolen Simoniz kits ($0 cost to them!) and is looking to make a quick $20. Depending upon what year your Jeep is you'd be foregoing any exterior/interior warranty. Good luck!
