Tips on Buying Cars: At what point is a used car taken off the market, pace world, real truth

I recently opened negotiations to purchase a car from a dealership approx. 100 miles from me.  We emailed back and forth for some 4 days with my final email to the salesperson, asking for an "out the door price" based on the agreed upon sales price.  I waited for a response, which never came and finally called 2 days later - this happened over the New Years weekend.  When I called I was told "one of the managers purchased the car".  Is it legal to simply stop responding and sell the car to an "inside" individual?

Kaye:Good question.One of worst things on buying a car, is that is sold before arriving at the dealership.The real truth is the car is still available until you take ownership.In our fast pace world of ours,we simply don't have the time to come to the dealership.To avoid this happening again,you might have to go the dealership and deal there.Frankly there is nothing illegal about it,sorry.It is strictly business sense:you are here and the person on the phone is not.In my opinion,this is one example that internet does not work.Buying a car is and always will be people contact business in person to get best results.