Tips on Buying Cars: New car problems, hyundai accent, brand new car

I purchased a new 2008 Hyundai Accent Hatchback last week, had it 5 days, and the sunroof quit working properly.  I took it to the service dept. the next morning, and 4 days later, they still have it.  They said they would have to "take it all the way down," (they said they hoped they would not have to do that) and order parts; they think the problem is in the cables.  Not sure when it will be fixed and of course am wondering if it will be!  This is very unsettling when you purchase a brand new car, to have it in the shop a week.  They said they have never seen an issue with a sunroof, so this makes me even more leery that it will be fixed properly.  When you buy a NEW car, you expect just that; not after owning it 5 days that it would have to have repairs of this nature.  If they are able to fix it, I feel I will always wonder if it is going to work correctly, not leak, etc.  I think under the GA Lemon Law, it states that if they can repair it, then I have to accept that.  I wish I could just say give me another car that is brand new without these issues.  What is your opinion?  Thanks!


Thanks for your question.  Unfortunately I don't have very much help for you in this situation. I can understand your frustration and your feelings with the vehicle right now.  Even new vehicles will have problems.  They are still man made.  All we can do right now is wait and see what the story is with the repairs on the vehicle.  If they can fix it then there isn't much that you can do.  If they can't fix it we can cross that bridge when you get there.  All I can tell you is that hopefully, and more than likely they will be able to fix the vehicle and you will never know there was a problem.  Your trust will come back with the vehicle as you realize that they fixed the problem with no residual aftereffects.

Hope this helps.  If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask again.  Hope everything works out.

Thanks - Jb