Tires: Ram1500 2005 tires.., montreal qc canada, dodge ram 1500

QUESTION: I have a Dodge Ram 1500 2005 with 275 60-R20 tires summers.. I have a friend selling Blizzak 265-65r17 winter tires, they were for a dodge durango, can i put them on my truck this winter? from a 20 inch to an 18.. all ready on the rims.. let me know, i'd really appreciate..

Alain - Montreal,Qc Canada

ANSWER: Alain,

The bolt circle of a Dodge Ram is 165.1mm and 139.7mm for the Dodge Durango.  So the rims will not fit.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Worst case, i could get 17" rims that fit on my truck, but from 20" to 17" is that good, or should i get 18" for the winter. I was told that the 20" rims poorly perform in the snow,as they are too wide and slide all over the place.. So i'm all ready shopping for winter tires.. cause at 250$ a pop.. without rims.. the bill climb's up fast.. pays to be prepared.. Since i have to buy rims for the winter, what would be the best way to go.



The general rule is for snow tires to be as narrow as possible.  Going to the smallest diameter rim helps achieve that.

But what you need to do is go to some of the on line tire/wheel outlets and check out what they recommend.  They know what is available and they won't recommend anything that they don't think works (or worse, is unavailable for your particular vehicle.)  Plus you'll know what the price is as you go along.