Tires: Toyota Prius Tires, toyota prius, dry traction

1. Notwithstanding the tires that come with the 2006 Prius, is there a tire that provides a softer ride.
2. I note that some Prius owners are inflating their tires to 40/42 PSI as opposed to the mfg spec of 30's ... purpose being to extend the tred life of the tire ... is this practical?
Al Myers  


1)  It is impossible for me to keep up with who is supplying what to what vehicle, so you'll have to help me.  What tire is on the 2006 Prius - Size, speed rating, manufacturer, and name of tire, please.

2)  I think you'll find that most folks who are inflating their Prius tires more than the vehicle manufacturer specifies are doing it for rolling resistance and not for tread wear.  This does improve rolling resistance and it does reduce tread wear rate, but it also reduces dry traction and might have a detrimental effect on the way the car handles.

Hope this helps.