Truck Repair: Jake brake Adjustment and Injector lash M11-350E, screw out, jake brake

What is the proper adjustment and clearance of Jake Brake system of M11-350E Engine? Is the Injector Lash are the same as NTC350 Engine?  

Jake lash is 0.015 ".No they are not the same or even adjust the same way.You adjust Inj & Valves on same cyl. A= 1&6  B= 5&2 C= 3&4 .Injector adjustment is: 1 Loosen jam nut 2: Turn screw IN by HAND ONLY until it bottoms out in cup. 3: Back out screw 2 flats(I turn jam nut corner to line up with the riviot in rocker arm,then turn screw out 2 corners) & tighten jamnut 4: Adjust valves  Valve clearance is 0.014 Intake & 0.027 Exhaust.