Vintage Cars: amc dj5 jeep, jeep question, chasis number

QUESTION: hi ron,was wondering can you tell me manufacture of my dj5 jeep,it is regd 1974 with english plate,the chasis number is 414694,AM General corporation,south bend indiana 46623.if i can prove jeep was manufactured 1973 or before i can have free road tax,thanks ron

ANSWER: may help?
DJ-5A (1968–70)  : 153 cu in (2.5 L) Chevy Nova straight-4, 2-speed Powerglide automatic
DJ-5B (1970–72)  : 232 cu in (3.8 L) AMC Straight-6 engine, BorgWarner T-35 three-speed automatic
DJ-5C (1973–74)  : 232 cu in (3.8 L) AMC Straight-6 engine, T-35 or M-11 automatic

Have you tried to contact GM research center?

does it have a VIN ?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi ron the vin number is 414694.and printed on vin plate is am general corperation,south bend indiana 46623,thanks ron

OK you are right, no VIN on those , just production numners.  The one way to tell may be to fine a prodcution engine number, or engine VIN.  Look for numbers on the block or intake manifold , trans casing.  Look for tranny numbers as well, use list I provided

If it is the original engine/tranny ,it might provide a clue
what kind of tranny and engine does it have?