Vintage Cars: 1923 Hudson, current value

I am trying to find out for my father-in-law what the interior of his 1923 hudson looked like and what's it's value would be today?  He restored everything but the interior 15yrs ago and is only the 2nd owner (has the original title).  I know that when he registered the car, that there were only 17 registered in the US. I'm not sure how many were made, but I would like to find out as much information as I could for him.

Thank you

For your questions on current value, number made, number remaining, etc..., you need to research the 'Net for sites like this:

You can ask your questions in forums like this one:

As to your first question, what the interior looked like, I'm a little confused.  You say he's the second owner, and he restored everything BUT the interior, so wouldn't that mean the interior's original?  So the interior looks the same as when it was new, right?