If you want to drive on the roads then you have to take out motor cover. Insurance for your car can be expensive but there are ways to ensure that you get the cheapest deal possible for your circumstances. Shopping online for the best deal is essential and better yet rather than look around yourself, let a specialist motor insurance broker do it for you. You can then take a look at the insurance they find for you based on your criteria and compare.
The level of car cover you will need will depend on many factors. Your age will play a big part as younger drivers often have to pay out a lot more to insure their car than older drivers. The type of car you drive also plays a part as does the size of the engine, another thing that has to be taken into account is how much your car is worth. If you are buying a brand new model from the showroom then of course you will need to compare premiums for fully comprehensive motor insurance. You will also have to take out fully comp if your car is over a certain amount of money. On the other hand if you have only paid out a couple of hundred pounds for your car then it would not be worth the cost of paying out for fully comprehensive and third party only might suffice.
Fully comprehensive motor cover provides the most for both the policyholder and the third party. It combines the other two policies and offers much more protection. With fully comp you would be covered for any damages to your own vehicle if you were to be involved in an accident. The policy would pay out to repair your car or replace it if it was seen to be damaged beyond repair. It would also payout for damages to the third parties car. It would also provide you with cover for medical expenses and personal damages. This level of protection is a must for those who are buying a brand new car and is the level required in these circumstances. You would also have to take out a fully comp policy if your car was over a certain amount.
If your car is second hand and did not cost you much to buy then paying out for fully comprehensive might not be suitable. Third party fire and theft could be considered, while this would not provide you with all the protection of fully comp it does cover your own vehicle in the case of fire or theft. It would also pay for damages to the third parties vehicle if in an accident. However it would not cover damages to your own car in the event of an accident. Finally the cheapest level of motor cover you can take and the least that the law allows is third party only. This policy would pay out for damages to the property of others and also for injury to any passengers. When shopping around for your cover you have to take into account not only the cost of the policy but also what it contains. Providers offer different things in fully comprehensive insurance so compare these to get the best deal possible.