All You Need To Know About Cheap Auto Insurance

Most car owners understand the importance of having auto insurance. However, understanding the intricacies and terminology related to insurance is what many of them find challenging. Because you will be spending a substantial amount of money paying your car insurance premiums, it is important that you have a good understanding of what you are paying for. This will help you buy the most suitable and cheap auto insurance, thus saving you money as well. Insurance needs not be a mystery. Motorists need to know the basics of auto insurance.


In broad terms, liability means legal responsibility. Most states require all drivers to carry at least the minimum liability cheap auto insurance. If you are found to be responsible for damage or injury resulting from an accident, liability coverage pays for the arising expenses.


The amount you choose to pay for if you make a claim, on to which the insurance provider tops up. In most cases, choosing a higher deductible means lower premium, which translates to cheap auto insurance.

Bodily injury liability

If an accident occurs, that results in injury or death of a third party and the policyholder is liable, Bodily Injury Liability covers the policyholder. This type of cheap auto insurance is normally combined with Property Damage Liability.

Collision coverage

If your car hits another one and is damaged, this type of cover pays for the cost of replacing or repairing the damaged car.

Comprehensive coverage

This provides coverage if your car is damaged because of vandalism, fire or some natural disasters. It is also important for the policy holder to find out what this type of insurance covers and what it excludes.

Property Damage Liability Coverage

This type of cheap auto insurance protects the holder who is held liable for damage of other people's property after an accident. The cover will also cover any expenses resulting from a lawsuit filed against you. The cover has a limit on the amount it pays, which you choose when purchasing the insurance policy.

Personal Injury Protection

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is a kind of cheap auto insurance that is often mandatory in certain states. The policy generally includes providing coverage for accident-related medical costs. PIP may also pay for lost wages and similar losses if one is unable to work because of injury from the accident. The amount of coverage that this type of cheap auto insurance offers and the limits of payments vary from state to state.