Wanting to Lease a Van: Average Prices and Rates to Expect

When you lease a van, you will learn that you will have many options in price ranges and choices to make. This can be confusing to someone who has never leased any automobile before or if you just want to see if you have better options out there. So use this article as a tool to show you the ropes for when it comes to best price van leasing.

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Type of Van

You should aim to look for what type or kind of van you will wish to lease, so you can get a ballpark price range for what you want. In general, you will likely find out you have the option between a newer make and model and a few years older model. If you are unsure of which one to pick until you go to the dealership, you might want to stick to the newer models, as they will likely have them available for leasing. The good news is that you do not have to make a final pick until you are ready to sign the lease, but you should aim to get an idea of what you want for better results when asking.


Lease prices can vary due to many factors including the van's make and model. However, perhaps the biggest one will be due to what the dealership deems you are worth to finance, and of course, your credit score will likely judge the most of that. Some may also require a co-signer or a certain type of insurance if they think you are a major risk. You will also have a down payment, which will likely need to be paid the same day you sign the lease, and the amount will also vary due to the dealerships standards and your credit score.

Lease Terms

Lease terms normally are written for either 6 months to more than a year. The dealership will likely have their regular lease terms and periods they have to follow. Therefore, your lease term can vary depending on that dealership. While you are there to sign the lease, ask if they offer discounts for older vans or cosmetically damaged vans. They may, and you might be able to find a better deal by renting a less enticing van. You will want to read through the lease all the way before you sign it, that way you can catch anything that you may have questions about, and read through the find print. This way you know what you are signing and know your rights. This is important for your consumer rights and to know what you can or cannot do, which the dealership sometimes fails to tell you.

You should also always ask for a copy to can keep for your own records, since you may want to look something up at a later time, and you may need it later on for other uses. So get a copy of every page you and the agent signs.