How to Compare Car Loans Online

Comparing car loans online is a simple process. However, researching the best rates can take several hours using online comparisons. Below are several steps you can take to speed up the process.

Step 1:
Gather your required personal data (monthly income, social security number, time at current job, time at address, residence type and current employer) before starting to compare car loans online.

Step 2:
Using an online car-pricing site like, figure out the make, model and year of the cars you’re interested in buying. Some online loan calculators use this data to insert dealer incentives, cash rebates or other discounts.
Step 3:
Locate reputable online car loan websites. Search “car loans online” in Google or visit sites we'd recommend like:
Step 4:
Pick the most promising online car loan companies found in step three and search their websites in detail. All their terms and loan policies are available online. Read through these and find polices that best suit your needs. Use their online applications to get quotes from these companies.

Step 5:
Sit down with your information after you have several quotes and compare each carefully. We recommend that you go back online and compare more car loans if you are not satisfied with your rates.

You should be able to locate a car loan that will satisfy your budget if you have good credit, a full-time job and can provide a down payment.