Traffic Accident Attorney Addresses Street Racing Dangers

An experienced traffic accident attorney has seen the hazards and dangers created by street racing. Victims of street racing often don’t realize what is happening until it is too late and they’ve been hit by an irresponsible driver. Alcohol or other illegal substances may also play a part in many drag or street races, typically involving two or more parties wagering bets. Some staggering statistics are below:
• In 2001, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported that 135 incidents were street racing-related crashes, with up to 72 street racing-related deaths reported in 2000.
• More than 800 illegal street racing citations were delivered in 2001.
• In some cities and states, street racing has become such a serious problem it’s considered to be an epidemic.
• The NTSB lists auto accidents as a leading cause of death for people age 16 to 20.
• On a national scale, 49 people are injured for every 1,000 who are involved in illegal street racing.

Traffic Accident Attorney Advises on What Can You Do about Street Racing

A traffic accident attorney will tell you that you don’t have to sit by and let others rule the road. If you’ve been a victim of illegal street racing, talk to an attorney who handles auto involved crashes. People who are involved in illegal street racing may face the following consequences:

• Be arrested and have their vehicle impounded for up to 30 days.
• Be sent to prison for up to three months and fined up to $1,000.
• Illegal street racing spectators may be served similar consequences as those who are racing.
• Participant’s driver’s license may be revoked.
• Vehicle insurance rates may either skyrocket or insurance may be completely canceled.

Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, it is not intended to provide legal advice as individual situations will differ and should be discussed with an expert and/or lawyer. For specific technical or legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact the author.