Auto Insurance Claims: Accident on private property, injury value

I was getting out of my car to pump gas when a car came between the gas pumps and pinned me between the door and doorframe. 911 was called and after receiving prelim treatment I told them I would go to the hospital on my own as i had two young children in the car they waited until my son-in-law arrived and then we proceeded to the hospital after taking the drivers information. I received a concussion and deep bruising from this accident; should I consult an attorney or wing this on my own.


  I would never advise someone not to seek proper legal counsel.  In your case, what I would suggest is to develop a value.  It is going to be hard.  Your case may require some creative argument as to the level of trauma (emotional and physical) that was sustained.  I would calculate actual medical bills, any other "hard" losses that can be documented, like lost wages, prescriptions, future medical, and then I would consider that my case involved unusual trauma as it could have easily involved death, if the circumstances were just slightly different.  

  You definitely have a dilemma.  An attorney, unless very good may not be able to negotiate your loss as well as you can, on the other hand, you may be in over your head if your damages are substantial.  I would be happy to more thoroughly evaluate your case and give you my opinion on the value, but it would require that you disclose a lot of information to me.  

  I hope this helps you to at least more thoroughly evaluate your choices.  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC.  Look me up on the web and contact me directly if you don't feel this forum will suffice.