Auto Insurance Claims: medical settlement, medical settlement

I was recently in an accident, a minor accident. I was slightly injured I immediately went to the ER and was told I had basically strained the muscles in my back and neck. The next day I was still in a lot of pain so I went to my family Dr. He said I had also strained the muscles in my ligaments in my back. My question is what would be the typical amount to settle for? I have lost hours with my children because the pain medicine they gave me knocks me out, and that is my job being a homemaker. Does that affect anything?

Hello Jennifer,

It's very hard (if possible at all) to give you a straight answer regarding "how much".
Everything depends on how your claim was documented and what the doctors say regarding your injury. There are too many variable to be able to even be close to good number.

For more information about bodily injury claims, please see:

Regarding your job, if you have no loss wages, you may not be able to claims that, but you could see if you can claim loss of essential services

I hope this helps and that you are recovering okay.