Auto Insurance Claims: payment for damages to car, th body, quarter panel

My car was backed into leaving a large dent in the passenger side back quarter panel. That panel had a small dent in a different part of it from a previous incident. The insurance company (we both have the same company) is offering to pay towards a new quarter panel instead of fixing the dent a more expensive way. My question: Does the insurance company have to pay to return my car to the way it was before the wreck? I understand that the other party does not owe me for a previous dent however, I do not understand why getting backed into should cost me $1500.

Hi Gena,

The insurance company does owe you to put the car back in the same condition it was before the accident. However, if there was prior unrelated damage, they can deduct from the total cost of repairs what it would have cost to repair the pre-existing damage.

You should discuss with th body shop of your choice if the damage can be repaired or if the quarter panel must be replaced. If it can be repaired, then that is what you should do. You can take the insurance company check and have the repairs done. If the quarter panel must be replaced then you will have to pay the difference.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh