Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): H50 engine on Ariens thrower, air mixture, carb settings

QUESTION: I have been given an Ariens 10995 two stage thrower with a H50 motor. The motor starts without problem but only really runs with the throttle full open. As soon as I start to throttle back nothing happens then with slightly more movement on the lever the motor stops - there's no in-between place where it idles slowly.

When I got the blower I was told it had run like a champ but last year wouldn't start, the owner gave up with it and bought a new one - I assumed it was varnish in the carb so I took it all off and cleaned it. I didn't know about the governor so may have adjusted it by mistake.
Anyway, I cleaned the carb, put fresh gas in and flushed the tank, changed the fuel line and added a filter so a dirty carb won't be my problem.

My governor seems to be set as follows :

Throttle wide open the governor arm is over to the left. Throttle closed it moves over to the right in a counter clockwise direction when looking straight down from above.

Do I perhaps have it set up backwards ? Should I have the governor arm all the way over to the right instead when the throttle is wide open ?

Also, adjusting the main screw in the carb bowl makes a difference to how it runs but adjusting the idle mixture screw on the side of the carb makes no difference at all...I know the internal channel is clear as I was able to blow air through it. I haven't touched the idle speed screw as I was told that I should leave that alone until all other issues are resolved.
The main screw is out one and a half turns and the idle mixture is out one turn.

Lastly, if I put the thrower under load it only throws snow about a foot, I've tightened the belt so can only assume it's governor or carb settings related.


ANSWER: Hello Will:

>>If you DID NOT Soak the Carburetor Overnight in Cleaner, then the Carburetor can still be the cause of this Problem.
>>However, it can be the Governor or the Air Mixture Setting also.
>>The Following is an Instruction File I Made for Setting the Governor Arm Correctly. Any Input is Appreciated.  
>>If you Removed/Loosened the Governor Arm from the Governor Shaft or Put the Linkage in  a Bind when the Carburetor was Removed, then Reset the Governor.
>>**To Reset the Governor; Loosen the Governor Arm Bolt and Turn the Governor Shaft Clockwise Until it Stops.
>>Using the Governor Arm Hold the Carburetor to Full Throttle. Now with the Shaft Full Clockwise and the Governor Arm and Carburetor Held at Full Throttle, Tighten the Governor Arm Bolt.
>>If the Engine Still Runs Full Throttle, then Reverse the Rotation of the Governor Shaft, but Still Hold the Carburetor at Full Throttle with the Governor Arm.
>>With the Engine Off, the Carburetor Control Valve should Rest in the Full Throttle Position and will be Pulled to the Idle Position by the Governor Once the Engine is Started.
>>**If it Still Runs at Full Throttle, then Check the Internal Governor.**
>>The Following is the Instruction File for Setting the Air Mixture Screws. Any Input is Appreciated. The Procedure is the Same for 1 or 2 Mixture Screws, Just Use the Instruction File and Skip Over the Section with the Missing Mixture Screw ( Usually the H Mixture Screw).
>>Now Setting the Air Mixture Screws:  
>>****Turn the Idle Air (L) and Main Air (H) Mixture Screws In Until SNUG **Do Not Jam** Then Reverse Both Screws 1 1/2 Turns. Set the Throttle Full Open, Start the Engine.
>>Turn the Main Air (H) Mixture Screw Clockwise Until Proper Revs are Obtained. **Carefully Use your Finger and Move the Governor Arm to Rev the Engine (on Chainsaws and Trimmers Use the Trigger to Rev the Engine) Until you Reach Max RPMs (on Chainsaws and Trimmers, the RPMs are Not Set to MAX. Set to Max and then Reverse the Setting Screw 1/4 or 1/2 Turn. If the H Mixture Screw is Set too High; the Engine will be Starved for the Oil in the Gas and Damage the Piston and Jug/Cylinder) and the Engine is Running Proper at Full Throttle Up a Grade and for Chainsaws and Trimmers they Do Not Bog Down Under a Load. Occasionally you May have to Turn this Counter Clockwise to Achieve the Proper Revs.**
>>Now Allow the Engine to Idle. Set the Engine Idle Screw (Not Idle Air) so the Engine will Stay Running if Required.
>>Now Set the Idle Air (L) Mixture Screw so there is No Hesitation when Rapidly Throttling from Idle to Full Throttle. Reset the Engine Idle if Required.****
>>If you Hit a Snag, have More Questions or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 3 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Follow Up Questions are Received Anytime. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


OK, still no further on but I wonder if my governor is on backwards.
When I have my throttle wide open the governor arm is all the way over to the right (the same as the throttle). Should the governor arm be at the other end of its travel (over to the left) ?
Also, I just tested the compression using a rather aged tester - 55psi was all I could muster.

Hello Again Will:

>>You can View a Breakdown/IPL of this Engine at this Site Addy, and Select the T. Then Select Tecumseh. Then Select Don't have Part Numbers. Then Enter the Model Numbers H50-??????. Then Select your Model and Download the File for Online Viewing.
>>The Governor Arm Only Moves a Small Amount (1/4" or Less).
>>The Governor has a Short Section (at the Mounting End of the Governor Arm) and a Long Arm.
>>The Short Arm is ONLY about 1/2" (it is the Ear where the Arm Slides Over the Shaft and is then Tightened to the Shaft. The Mounting Bolt Goes between the 2) and is supposed to be Away from the Engine when the Governor Arm is Attached to the Governor Control Shaft that Enters the Engine Block.
>>The Long Arm is the Part of the Governor Arm that has the Holes for the Springs and Linkage to Connect to.
>>If you Set the Governor Both Ways as I Described in the Last E-mail and the Engine is Still Over Revving, then
>>Check the Carburetor and make Sure it is Clean and the Carburetor Control Valve is Operating Freely.
>>If the Carb is Clean and the Control Valve is Operating Freely, then
>>Check the Valve Clearances and Seat/Lap the Valve Mating Surfaces.
****Note: The Valve Clearances cannot be Set Until After the Valves are Seated/Lapped in and then you can Set the Correct Valve Clearances.****
>>This Web Page;
lve-lapping.php has a Fairly Good Description and Instructions on Valve Lapping and a Good Explanation of what to Look for when Seating the Valves.
>>The Following is a Basic Instruction File for Setting the Valve Clearances on Non OHV Engines. If you Provided me with the Correct Make and Model of the Engine then the Specifications are Included. If Not I May be Able to Provide the Specifications if you Supply me the Make and Model Numbers.
>>The Most Common Clearances are Listed for this Engine in the Following File. Thanks. Any Input is Appreciated.
>>On this Model Engine I Usually Suggest Reseating the Valves if the Valve Clearance Requires Adjusting.
>>**Remove the Carburetor and the Crankcase Breather/Vent and the Valve (Stem) Cover so you have Access to the Valve Stems, Springs and Keepers.
>>Set 1 Cylinder (on Twin Cylinder Engines) to TDC on the Compression Stroke. Using a Blade Style Feeler Gauge, Check the Clearances. The Intake should be .007in - .009in and Exhaust .011in - .013in. If the Feeler Gauge will Not Slide Between the Valve Tip and the Tappet, then you Must Reset the Clearances.
>>**You Will Require a Small Engine Valve Spring Compressor to Remove the Springs and Keepers from the Valve Stems.** Some Engines Use a Valve Keeper that is like Automotive Keepers (2 Cone Shaped Keepers that Set in the Valve Retainer/Rotocoil Assembly)and the Other Style is a Slotted Retainer that is Moved (once the Valve Spring is Compressed) to the Larger Opening in the Retainer and the Retainer Slips Over the Valve Stem Tip for the Valve to be Removed. The Valve Spring Compressor Tool Cost Approximately $30 to $40us.
>>Remove the Head/s.
>>Set 1 Cylinder so the Piston is at TDC on the Compression Stroke And Check the Clearances Between the Valve Stem Tip and the Tappet. The Clearances are as Follows: Intake Valve Clearance is .007in - .009in and the Exhaust is .011in - .013in.
>>You have to Lightly Grind the Valve Stem Tip and Place the Valve Back Into the Engine (you can Hold the Valve Seated by Hand) and Check the Clearance Until you Reach the Required Clearances.
>>**++** For this Engine Model I Suggest you Reseat the Valves while you are Setting the Correct Valve Clearance. For this you will Need a Small Valve Seat Suction Tool. This can Usually be Purchased for $10.00us and has a Suction Cup that Hold the Valve Head so you can Turn the Valve Back and Forth and Dress up the Valve Seat. Valve Grinding Compound is Approximately $5.00us a Tube and a Tube Last the Shop About a Year. It Doesn't Take a Lot to Reseat 1 Engine.**++**
>> Once the Valve Clearances are Reached and the Valve Seat is Nice and Dull; Re-Install the Valves on that Cylinder and Turn the Other Cylinder to TDC on the Compression Stroke and Set that Cylinders Valve Clearances.  
>>Once that Cylinder is Set, then Assemble the Engine.**   
>>According to the Breakdown this Engine has Points and Condensor Located Under the Flywheel.
>>If the Point Set Contacts are Burnt or Worn, it can cause the Problem you have Described also.
>>With the Compression at 55psi, the Engine cannot Idle and the Usual cause for Low Compression is Burnt Valve Seats or Bad Rings.
>>I Do Not Think the Rings are Bad but I Do Think the Valve Seats (mating Surfaces of the Valve and the Valve Seat Pressed into the Engine Block) are Burnt and Seating/Lapping is Required.
>>As Always, If you Hit a Snag, have More Questions or this Does Not Correct the Problem,  I Hope to be Here if You Require More Assistance. Hope this Helps. Let me Know What Happens, Please. May the All Mighty Bless You and Yours. Be Safe and Happy. Thanks.

Good Luck



PS: I am Allowed to Answer 3 Questions a Day. If you See I am Maxxed Out, then Try Submitting your Question at or Just After 8pm EST (US). My New Day Starts then. Follow Up Questions are Received Anytime. Comments and Ratings are Greatly Appreciated. Thanks.

