Auto Insurance Claims: car rental reimbersment, mail return receipt, certified mail

Richard my car took almost 2.5 months to fix. I had to rent a car for that duration. The rental bill was over  $3000.00 which I paid for out of pocket. I received a check for $947.34 from the other parties insur. co. On the check it says total reimbursment. I have sent all the invoices to them. What do I do? Should I hold the check until this is cleared up?Thank you Tim

Hi Tim,

First, you should not cash the check unless you plan to accept it as payment in full.

Second, you need to send a formal demand for payment letter by certified mail/ return receipt requested. In your demand letter you need to indicate the number of days it tooc to repair the vehicle, why it took so long, the total cost of the rental car and enclose a copy of the paid rental bill. You should end the letter by stating "I herby demand paymebt in the amount of $xxxx.xx as reimbursement of rental expense within 15 days from receipt of this letter or a detailed explanation in writing as to why you are not willing to pay the full amount."

2.5 months is a long time to repair a vehicle. You may need to get some information from the body shop manager as to why it took so long. Such reasons may include parts on back order (provide documentation), insurance delays in approving supplemental damages (provide documentation), etc..

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh