Auto Insurance Claims: Recourse against other insured for total loss, total loss auto

One of my cars was legally parked, and hit by another party. A police report stating such was made. The insured's insurance provider has appraised the total loss at ~$7,000.  Multiple similar listings for the same make/model/condition are ~$10,000.  Do I have a recourse against the insured's insurance company?  Or do I need to file a lawsuit against the insured party?  Other suggestions?  Courses of action?


There are several courses of action you can take, all of which depend on things like who your insurer is and how they evaluated your vehicle. All the possible answers are far too detailed to explain in a paragraph or two here. I suggest an eBook at entitled Total Loss Auto for Claimants. The eBook will give you strategies to use from the least painful to the most painful (and litigation is the most painful).