Auto Insurance Claims: Loss of Use & Fleet Utilization Log, fleet utilization, amex

I was involved in an accident twice the same weekend, once with third party and second with nobody, the car just rammed into the curb. I had paid for this rental car using AMEX, I filled a claim with AMEX, they have received all the required documents, but the "Fleet Utilization Log" from the rental company. AMEX says it will not cover insurance if they do not receive the Fleet Utilization Log. I don't know why would the rental company not provide it. Is it a plot to screw the customer? as AMEX say they don't cover the Loss of Use. Please Help

Hi Amol,

Loss of use by a rental company is usually denied by most insurance companies unless the log is provided. This is because in order for the rental company to claim that they lost money due to this vehicle not being in service they have to prove that every other vehicle in their fleet was rented and they were turning down customer becuse they had no cars available. Just let Amex handle this. They will deal with the insurance company. If the rental car contacts or writes to you, simply refer them back to Amex or send Amex any letters you receive.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh