Auto Insurance Claims: Filing a third-party claim for medical coverages., gap insurance, pain medicines

I was in a collision last Friday. The other driver was driving in the opposite lane and they suddenly crossed over to my lane and hit me head on. While I was being tendered by the paramedics the police officer on site was gathering insurance information from me and the other driver. I handed him my license and insurance card and he returned it a little later. After I was checked out and advised that I had no major care needed except for a sprained ankle that they told me to get checked out the next day (as no ER care was needed since I can walk with a little limp), I proceeded to exchange information with the other driver. However, the other driver appeared distraught and I couldn't get his attention. The officer advised me to just wait for the accident report and that all the information would be on it. So I get the report today (Wednesday) and located the other driver's insurance company. I called the claims department and tried to file a claim. The police department found the other driver at fault so I wanted to claim with his insurance company. When the representative asked for the person's policy number I noticed the office who took the report failed to list it. The lady on the other line sounded sorry for me and advised that I needed the policy number since his name and address didn't show up on their system. So I called the other driver and he refused to give me the policy number.

I called my own insurance agency and filed a claim with them. They will cover my car (which will more than likely be totaled). Thankfully I have GAP insurance and I might not have to come out of pocket for that portion. But I don't have medical with my insurance company so they will not cover me for loss in wages since I had to take 4 days off due to doctor's orders to stay off my ankles. I am also upset that I had to spend my entire weekend under the influence of pain medicines and I will need crutches for my vacation trip.

What can I do? Please advise!

Hi Sacki,

You should call back the at-fault persons insurance company. They should be able to look up the policy based on the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the at-fault car. If for some reason this does not work, you can try to call the police office that wrote the report and explain the situation to them. They may be willing to call the other driver or even go by his house and demand that he provide his correct insurance information. I that does not work, you can try asking your insurance company to provide you with the information. However this may take some time. Your insurance company will be seeking reimbursement from the other company, so at some point they will have to obtain the correct information.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh