Auto Insurance Claims: Pay out of pocket for damage or claim insurance?, auto claim premium

I was making a right hand turn, the light was red and there were a few cars ahead of me.  The other cars began to turn on red, then the car infront of me turned. I pulled up to the line and checked the traffic to see if it was clear to go just as the light turned green, I started to turn and before I could stop I smacked into the car that turned before me.  The driver turned and paused for no apparent reason and I couldn't stop in time. I still have no idea why she stoped her car.  He bumper had existing scrapes and scratches so at first she said there was no damage then she noticed a small crack and said it was new.  A cop showed up and said it loooked under $400 in damages so we didn't need to report it to insurance.  She said she didn't want to report it to insurance.  She has allstate I have Geico.  She sent me estimates of $578 plus car rental total of $656 to replace her bumper.  She said the Body shop says there is no hidden damage but they can't be %100 sure, but she wants the money now and wants to come back for more if the body shop request it.  Should i go through insurance just to protect myself or will it nopt be worth a possible surchage, it $656 surchargable? I'm 25 and have a perfect driving record and no tickets or previous accidents but this is also a new policy i've been drivng over 5 years.  does anyone know the claim limit for surcharges in CA, or for Geico?

Hello Ami,

I'm a claim adjuster and we don't know about premiums. Its a better question for an agent or underwriting department.

I don't know how much your premiums will go up. Either call your agent if Geico has agents, or call Geico 800 number. Or try calling another company's agent. Try not to give your name. You don't want them to penalize you without your permission. But I'm sure they will ask. Ask them what the premium increase would be if you turn in a 656.00 liability claim. There should not be a deductible.

If you are the one paying the bill, then if the body shop wants a "supplement", additional payment, for hidden damage, they have to show it to you, just like they would an adjuster.