Auto Insurance Claims: left turn accident..2, accident 2, exact situation

I'm sorry but in the first question i forgot to add a word. My family was involved in a left turn accident, in which my husband was the driver. We we're at a intersection turning left. It's a 3 lanes street. First, he did make sure that it was safe to turn left. There a lot of traffic in the incoming lane but they're light was on red, so they we're stopped. The drivers from the 1st and 2nd lanes made a gap so we're able to go thru and there was also a gap so at the 3rd lane and were the driver was totally stopped. We were almost thru when the driver from the 3rd lane accelerated her vehicle and hit us on the rear left side of the car. First she stopped then all the suton she accelerated her vehicle hitting us. The damages of our vehicle were right at the tale left rear side and the tale light. How much fault will my husband be in titled for?


That certainly sucks and I hate intersections like that. In fact, I will go straight a block by going out of my way and then turn. In fact, sounds stupid, but in these cases I will take two right turns just to avoid this. Very commopn when in Chicago.

I hope no one was seriously hurt.

You did not state if your husband was ticketed or the other driver. You also did not state if you are from a no fault state.

As for percentage, I do not know, other than the person making the left turn (even if done properly and safely) recieves partial blame in most cases..

The best people to ask for your exact situation is your insurance agent or company. This way you don't get generic information for a question asking for a specific answer.