Auto Insurance Claims: snow car accident, heavy snow, wrong way

During a heavy snow that was coming down fast and furious for a couple of
hours the roads became very slick very fast. I was coming down a narrow one
way street- the right way- there was another vehicle facing the wrong way to
my left, that may have skid that way, and a parked car on the right. While
trying to get down the street between these two vehicles I slid into the car to
my left as they were trying to maneuver their car- not sure what they were
trying to do. I did damage their door. I know I did the damage, there was
some slight damage to my bumper. Is there fault on their part for facing the
wrong way on a one way street?

Hi Peg,

If the vehicle was standing still at the time you hit it, then they would not be responsible even though they were facing the wrong way. If however they were moving at the time of the impact they they would be at lease partially at fault.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh