Auto Insurance Claims: hit and run, sebring convertable, scratch marks

My roommate happened to look out the window and see whats he thought was someone who hit her car. I saw the car was a gold sebring convertable. Her car had no damage but the next day we found that my car was damaged. I had parked directly in ront of her. That night the roads in our complex were very icy. The next night I saw a gold sebring convertable with a bumper and left wheel well that was taped together with masking tape with white scratches on the body. My car is blue but is covered with white scratch marks. I reported the license plate number and took digital pictures of both cars. The police officer did not question the man because of "no probable cause" even though I identified the car. What should I do in this case my car has over 1300 dollars worth of damage.

Hi Mel,

You can put in a claim on your insurance and let them try to get the money back from this other driver. The problem is that you said that you did not get the license plate number until the next night. Even though it is likely the same car, you would have to be able to prove that it was the same car as the one that hit you the night before.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh