Auto Insurance Claims: Insurance claim, economical crisis, one at home

Hi Richard.
Last week when I was about to park in between 2 cars in out apartment complex' parking lot; the car on my left front suddenly backed up and hit my left front. No injuries. I called 911 they said because of it happened in the parking lot its private something so they do not come over to report. They told me just exchange the info and claim your accident. At that time I had my 9 mos old baby boy in my arms, we were back from clinic for his shots. He was crying and feeling sick so as a mother I feel that I have to take him home and take care of him. We exchange the info. The neighbor was feeling guilty and said he is sorry and I was his blind spot. (which is funny) If he looked right back of him before he moved He would see me all right. Any way I took my car to repair shop, and I ended up paying $400.00 co payment because he had no coverage that day. I mean 100% his fault and I am paying $400 for my loss. Even we could not pay our rent this month because of the economical crisis, and I am paying this idiots fault. My question is how this is going to work. We both have GEICO. They say after they investigate they can go after him but it might takes a year or so.. What should I do. I have a little one at home, and I need this money know. I am desperate. Please help and tell me what to do... Thanks...

Hi Toby,

I'm sorry for your situation. Unfortunately, there is not much you csn do except wait for the insurance company to try to get the money back from your neighbor. This is what happens when someone does not have insurance. At least you had insurance to pay the amount over the $400.00.

Richard Hixenbaugh