Auto Insurance Claims: Back up damages, auto repair expert, auto collision repair

I backed up in a motorvehicle 3 days ago.  Initially the only damage notice was a cracked front bumper.  However the driver later complained that he may be having transmission problems and then two days later he called to say that his head lamps were cracked.  What are some of the possible damages that may occur to a motor vehicle when you slowly back up into it?  What should I do next?

Hi Donna,

I wonder if the victim might be trying to add some things onto your repair bill.  Transmission repairs are expensive.  How could you have done transmission damage by backing slowly?  Here is what you will have to do.  Investigate with the use of a hired gun—an auto repair expert, or turn it over to your own insurance company.

Sure, it will result in an increase in your rates, but if they are going to tag you with $1,000 or so in repairs, you may as well use your own insurance.  

One cannot tell whether or not these claims are reasonable from afar.  What I would like to see you do is either: (1) report this to your insurance company ASAP; or (2) hire an expert to review the damages and to negotiate for you.  Here is an idea on using such an expert  Hire YOUR OWN Auto Collision Repair Expert for Repair Negotiations & Supervision

For a just two hundred dollars someone will take a look at both vehicles and make a report whether your low speed could have caused this damage.

I trust that my time here has produced some information that has been of value to you, and thus I would respectfully request that you take the time to locate the FEEDBACK FORM on this site and leave some feedback for me.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)