Auto Insurance Claims: auto ins claim and injury, auto ins claim and injury, claim injury

I was hit by a driver in my passenger door that was 1.1 drunk and license are suspended and no ins and is currently on probation. The accident was on 8/2/8 I was off work until 10/29/8.My 2005 mazda rx8 was totaled as well as his 2005 nissan muriano.Isustained injuries and burns to my my neck and arm and chest area from the air bags. I hurt my knees and neck and lower back. He has no ins. I had 10.000 pip and 50.000 uninsured motorist coverage. I do not have an attorney as my ins usaa states they will be more than fair. How much should their first offer be?

Hello Denise

I am sorry to hear about your situation. Why were you out of work? Because of you were injured or because of the damages to the car? This is important to the final determination of damages. If you were out of work because of the injuries (which sounds like you were), you would be entitled to all your loss wages.

How much should their first offer be? Well, that depends on your situation: age, profession, medical history, and if your injuries are in anyway permanent., etc. So it is very hard. You might have a good case (policy limits), but you have to be able to document your claim well. Documentation of your injury and damages is really what will help your settlement,

Visit: for more information about how to document an injury claim.

If you have a car loan and still are dealing with a total loss, also visit:

Good Luck and I hope you  recover soon.
