Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Quote, two thousand dollars, insurance comapny

Dear Richard,
Hello.  Today I made a call to my insurance company trying to see about adding my husband as a driver under my insurance for my car.  My husband has a bad driving record.  He has a DUI from a year and a half ago and also a speeding ticket from two months ago.  The woman from my insurance company told me over the phone that my premium would go up from the $414 I'm paying every six months to over $6000 for six months. I thought that was outrageous.  I told the woman over the phone not to add him as a driver and that he just wouldn't be able to drive.  The woman told me that wasn't an option.  She said because we were married I'm required by law(I live in Hawaii) to list my husband as a driver on my insurance.  I told her I couldn't afford over a thousand dollars a month for insurance and that I would have to cancel my policy.  She then told me I would still have to pay almost two thousand dollars when I cancelled.  I was just wondering if I am required to have him listed as a driver even if he will not be driving my car?

Hi Tiffany,

In most cases yes. All insurance companies require that ALL drivers in the household be listed on the policy. In some circumstances you may be able to specifically exclude a driver from coverage. However it is up to each insurance comapny if they will allow this and if they do you have to remember that if the excluded driver drives you car there is no coverage no matter what the reason. Even if it were a life and death situation, if an accident occures, there is no insurance coverage either for your car or for the other car or injuries that result and you would be personally responsible for paying for all of it.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh