Auto Insurance Claims: Car Accident, release of liability, chest pains

I was hit 4 days ago with no injury to my car or hers.Now I am getting left side chest pains.Do you think her ins will cover my medical bills?

Hi Bobbie-

The fact that there was no damage to the cars will weaken your case somewhat, but most likely yes.  If you have pre-existing conditions on your medical record or engage in other activities that could have caused your injuries, the insurance company may argue that the injuries were not from the accident.  
The company will not want to settle with you until you are done treating and are willing to sign a release of liability.  Depending on how long you treat, the processs for you to get your money back will most likely be at least a year and more likely closer to two.
I hope that helps.

Sheldon Maughan
Sacramento, Ca