Auto Insurance Claims: rearended, road rage, indecent language

QUESTION: i was involved in a car accident on Thursday where i was exiting a shopping center and awaiting to clear traffic when the car behind me started beeping at i started to make the turn he took the inbound lane into the shopping center to exit and and make his right hand he finished his turn and ended up infront of he started to use indecent language and sticking up his middle I ignored him he started to play stop and go games on the road...stop go stop go till he came to a complete stop unexpectedly and i reared him...i wasn't traveling more than max I'm but that did great damage to my car as he had a tow bar and nothing happened to his far as i concerned he instigated the accident...when the police was called they said to me that was conflicting stories to take it up with the insurance i'm only third party holder they allowed me to lodge the claim on the basis that they will hold exsess....unfortunately there is no witnesses and he is blaming me as being on the phone at the time of the accident...i had 4 kids in the car with me and there is no way that i would put their life at what would you think...

ANSWER: Hi Sally,
Sad to say, but you will be found 100% at fault since you have no witness. You need to report this to your insurance company, let them pay the jerk and then go on with your life.
There are too many people with 'road rage' on our streets today to risk yourself and your children.  If a situation like this ever happens again, drop back in traffic or pull over to the side until that driver is gone.
I hope this has been of help, please write again if I can provide more assistance.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.
San Francisco Bay Area 12-15-07 7:08 AM PST

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: today i got a call from a lady that happened to be the 3rd person to exit the shopping it happens she saw the whole incident and she is whiling to come forward as a witness...she got my details from centre managmnet as i left my contact details later that day... my question is now is it to late to contact the insurance company to tell them about the witness or is it to late...when i last spoke to them they had told me that if any witnesses came thru that i should notify you think that this will help my case or will it incriminat me as its been a few days....thank you for your time...

Hi Sally,
Call your insurance immediately and inform them of the witness.
This could make a world of difference toward putting the other jerk at fault and being able to recover all your damages from his insurance company.
There is nothing like the sweet smell of revenge, and I hope you get yours.  Please write again if I can be of more help.
12-16-07 10:02 AM PST