Auto Insurance Claims: Being sued for car accident I didnt cause, tail spin, insurance company

I was involved in an a car accident caused by another vehicle which fled the scene. The accident resulted in my car being sent into a tail spin and colliding with a van. My insurance company paid out a maximum of 10,000 to the van's insurance company, but this does not cover all of the costs that the van's insurance company in suing for. Also, the police report does not even mention the vehicle that caused the accident and fled. I am not sure what to do because the van's insurance company is requesting additional payment from me. There are 2 witnesses to the accident which saw the other vehicle. I am wondering if I should try to contact them to get their statements because it doesn't seem like the police really did their job. So I guess my real question is am I liable for an accident I didn't cause? Will it matter whether I get witness statements if I still have to pay a settlement? Thank you so much I appreciate any advice you can give.

Hi Teara,

The first thing you need to do is call your insurance company and find out why they paid this claim at all. Did you provide your insurance company with the witness info? Did they contact the witnesses for a statement? You can also try to call the police officer who wrote the report to see if he spoke to the witnesses.  If your insurance company paid the claim that would mean that they concluded that you were at fault. They should have informed you of this. You need to find out what really went on here. If everything turns out that you are at fault, you will need to contact the other party and try to make payment arrangements.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh