Auto Insurance Claims: Timeframe for filing hit and run, renewal time, police report

A month ago I was involved in a hit and run. My car was damaged in a parking lot. Due to the damage being done on the passenger side I was 30 miles away from town (early in the morning)and two counties away. Had my passenger mirror not been removed in the accident, I would have not noticed until days later.

I did not have the funds to pay the $500 ded and did not plan to for some time. Not knowing if I would ever file it, I did not want to take that hit by reporting to insurance.

I have since secured the funds.

Given there is no police report and the damage happened a month ago, can I still file?

Thank you very much in advance for your advice.


Hi Jeremy,

Yes you can still file the claim. If there is no police report and no witnesses, the claim would be handled as a collision claim. Depending on your prior claim history, you may incur a premium increase at renewal time.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh