Auto Insurance Claims: My uninsured cars were struck while parked, preexisting condition, insurance professionals

Recently in Sacramento CA, two of my cars were struck by another driver
while my cars were parked.  The driver came across the center of the street to
hit them both.  The driver claimed that she had a panic attack and lost control
of her car.  She refused a ride to the hospital from the ambulance on the
and the Police officers allowed her to drive the car away without citing her for
the lane violation and did not file a police report since no one was injured
(they stated that this is the procedure in Sacramento County).  Neither of my
cars are insured since we rarely drive them and her insurance is no denying
"legal culpability" since their insured suffered from a "non-preexisting
condition that caused their insured to blackout"  I know that she is completely  
liable??? and need to know what i need to do hopefully settle this without
taking her to court if possible.  Can you assist me with information regarding
what sections of the vehicle code she has violated and what I need to do see
that she is cited and investigated for this crime.  Any and all information that
will assist me would be greatly appreciated.  I look forward to your reply.  
thank you.

If a person loses control of a vehicle due to a non preexisting medical condition, neither they nor their insurance company are liable.  

As far as you forcing law enforcement to investigate and cite her for the incident, good luck.  It is up to the discretion of the officer and this is not what would legally constitute a "crime".

Your only recourse at this point would be to sue her and then prove to the court that she did not suffer from a sudden attack of any kind.  It will be your word against hers.

Good luck!

You have now been told by two insurance professionals that a sudden medical attack does absolve an individual of liability.
However, you choose to give me, a volunteer, helping you out on my own time, a negative rating because you don't or believe or like the answer?  If you are so knowledgeable in these matters, then why did you need to post the question?
I would recommend that you forward your question to another forum.  

I have to deal with enough "know it all, though they really have no knowledge of insurance or law" individuals during my full time job and will no longer be volunteering my personal time for people like you after this week.