Auto Insurance Claims: title question>?, personal injury insurance, personal injury insurance claims


I bought a car about a year ago, and never transferred the title in my name (I know.. I know)

The car has the original owners and mines signature on the back of the title, but technically it is not officially transferred.

Can I still sell this car and allow someone else to have the title transferred without me having to register the title in my name?? i live in texas.

When the owners originally signed their names to transfer me as the new buyer they wrote my name and everything on there, and its in ink so how would i go about adding a new person on there since my name is already there? they didnt write a date.

thank you!

Hi Mitra,

As noted, this is a forum about personal injury insurance claims.  I know nothing whatsoever about title transfers, other than I go to the courthouse and someone does it for me and takes money from me.  So all I have to offer is a bit of insight as to why the state might have an interest in squeezing some bucks from you.

The answer to your question is at the end of your phone.  Simply call your local state licensing department representatives and ask them.  

I will point out for you the politics of what you are trying to do.  The state wants its pound of flesh for each transaction.  There is some kind of transfer fee and some kind of tax or other fee to be paid.  

So do you believe that they will allow you to skip your fees and bypass those payments that the state wants?  Probably there is an exemption period for a short time owner whereby one can avoid paying the fee.

Anyway that is the politics of it and you can at least now know why they might try to tag you with some costs.  

But your phone call is the only way to tell for sure what they intend to do about it.

Best wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)