Auto Insurance Claims: Car Accident, insurance bills, good starting point

I was in a car wreck in September. The other insurance is paying. I was hurt but not seriously. I had a severe contusion on my hand ankle, a contusion on my elbow and I was sore. The insurance company called and said that they would pay 80% of salary from being off of work. My insurance bills were 1700 and they allowed 1200 because of insurance. After their first offer, they came and took pictures of my hand because I have scaring on my hand from the wreck that has not faded yet. Now they have called back and offered 2400. Can/Should I try to get more since I was not at fault and this scaring on my hand and elbow have not gone away. I don't know what price to say. When insurance lady called Friday she gave me a price and told me to talk it over with my husband. What do you think? I don't want to drag anything out in court. The insured was a 93 yr old male who has had several strokes and has been involved in several accidents.  

Hi Tina,

Most minor injury claims should settle for about 2 to 4 times the total of your medical bills and lost wages.  So add up your medical bills and lost wages, then multiply by 3. That should be a good starting point. However, you will need to be prepared to negotiate.  You should do all of this in writing, in the form of a formal demand for payment letter. You will need to out line all of your medical bills and lost wages, then add for pain, suffering and scaring.

I hope this helps.
Richard Hixenbaugh