Auto Insurance Claims: EOB, medical insurance program, patient responsibility

when an EOB from your auto insurance shows, billed amount $250.00 and allowed amount $200.00 and it shows no discount for the $50.00 or no patient responsibility can the provider bill me for the $50.00

Hi Lynn,

There is no specific answer to this question. If the medical provider is a preferred provider through your medical insurance program, then that provide has agreed to accept what the insurance company pays. So your EOB shows the charge by the provider then the provider shows what they feel is the reasonable charge for that service. If the provider is not a preferred provider of your insurance then they may send you a bill for the balance.

You should call the claims department of your insurance company and ask them if your provider is on their list and if the provider can bill you for the balance. They would be the only ones that can answer your question with absolute certainty.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh