Auto Insurance Claims: Finding the insurance company, property insurer, worst case scenario

on 12/12 someone drove off the road and tore down my 3-board horse fence and damaged the yard.  The police came to my door and said all insurance information would be on the accident report.

All the accident report says is Providence.  I have the driver's information but she does not return my calls.

How do I find this person's insurance policy to make a claim!

I checked google and found Providence Mutual in New Enlgand at (401)827-1800.  Try calling them.  If they are not the correct insurer, call the officer and ask him/her to put some pressure on the driver to provide insurance information.  He could charge her with driving uninsured.  Worst case scenario, call your property insurer and let them handle.  They will then seek recovery from her or find her insurer if there is one.