Auto Insurance Claims: Parking Lot accident, parking lot accident, accident occured

My brother was using his friends truck, whom he is not insured under and was in a parking lot when an accident occured where the two vehicles became involved, there was no damage to the truck my brother was driving, but the lady in the other vehicle had substancial damage.  The police were contacted and declaired 50/50.  The parents of the young lady are demanding he must pay for the entire amount and her rent a car if he doesn't want to go through insurance, because it is his friends car and doesn't want his friends insurance rate to increase. There was no witness to the accident so could it be fought in court would that be the best way to handle this? I don't feel my brother should have to pay the full amount just to subside insurance fees. Should he go under his friends insurance and pay him half of the cost? though they are probably not friends any longer. Or should he let his friend deal with the cost how is the best way to handle this sittuation ?  

Hi Amanda,

If the police determined the liability to be split, then your brother should tell the other people that he is willing to pay half, since that is all they would get if it did go through insurance. If they still argue, then he should go ahead and let the insurance companies handle everything.  If your brother then wants to pay his friend for the increased insurance rates, that is something they can work out between themselves.

I hope this helped
Richard Hixenbaugh