Auto Insurance Claims: About the diminished value

QUESTION: A 97 Honda car with 195,000 miles had a rear end collision in GA. Does it still have  diminished value such as $100, $50 and so on?


Yes, you would be entitled to loss in value or "Diminished Value" however, as far as the amount due you, it would depend upon numerous factors such as the subject vehicle's pre-loss condition/value, prior loss history and such.

The question may be if the loss in value is worth pursuing and even though you should be entitled to recover your fees and costs regarding your getting an expert to opine to the remaining loss, it will require up front out of pocket expense and may take weeks to months to get a recovery.

If you have full coverage (comprehensive and collision) on your vehicle, in Georgia you may be able to collect from your insurer. If you don't have such coverage you will need seek recovery from the at-fault party and their insurer if applicable.

You can learn more at and

Hope this helps and good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reply. Since it happens in GA, I would simply use 17c Formula to claim for the diminished value. I do not expect lots but, for example, $100 because it is the 97 car with 195,000 miles. Do you think whether it is ok?

In answer to your follow-up question is a definite NO!

The "Georgia 17C" formula was developed by State Farm, and after a short time, the state of Georgia learned and reported that it was a significantly flawed formula which failed to properly indemnify the consumer.

Many insurers and claims-people still attempt to use it for settlement purposes but you would be doing yourself a disservice in applying it or accepting a settlement offer derived from it.

Hope this helps further!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, since this is a 97 car and has already had 19,5000, it is unnecessary to pay the appraiser to evailuate the diminished value, right? Should I just demand for the DV and let the insurance evailuate it or I demand some amounts? Thank you for your answer.

I apologize for the delay in responding...I just came across this while answering another question.

In doing so you'll receive a truly unbiased opinion and you should be able to recover any fees incurred as an element of your damages.

Of course the insurer wants to pay as little as possible and we have an old saying: "Never Take Advice on How to Collect Money From Those Who Owe it To You!"

The best thing for a consumer to do is to hire a company such as Auto Damage Experts, Inc to provide an expert opinion and assessment of your remaining loss.

For more information on DV and assistance go to

Thank you for the questions and good luck!
