Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: blend door actuator, buick rendezous, dual controls

The 2006 Buick Rendezous has dual controls for the A/C, Heater. When I turn on the heater heat comes in the drivers side but not the passenger side (only cold air). Since I live in Mexico the parts are not readily available. Can this be repaired locally and if so, how? Would I possibly be better off having eliminating the dual part and have them "fix" it so that they would both work the same. A local mechanic suggested this. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Thank You. Ray

HI Raymond

The actuator is what has gone either bad or out of range.  If it is out of range you can fix by disconnecting your battery and reconnecting in 10 to 15 sec.  If this does not repair it then your actuator is bad.  Unfortunately you cannot repair the way you say it is split inside the dash board.  You can only replace the part.  Try what I said and let me know.