Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 92 Caddy Deville AC Stopped working, clutch plate, screw driver

QUESTION: The other day I was driving,pushing different buttons on climate control.This model has Electronic control,and AC clutch suddenly stopped kicking in.No more cold.AC has always been very cold,checked fuses,relay,line pressure is good,all good.I thin I blew something,just don't know what!Help,need AC desperately.Thanks,   Ray.

ANSWER: Disconnect battery and reconnect see if this will reset the system.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I did that too.reset computer,the way the book calls for,no help.I checked for power at compressor,turned on AC,got power,turned off AC, no power.Tapped on clutch,it kicked in.Did not wait to see if AC would get cold,turned it off.I turned it on again, kicked in by itself,but started to slip,also noticed it is making whirling noise.I am assuming that clutch heated up,and started to slip.Is clutch bad,or could compressor also cause problem?If I let clutch run the first time,maybe I could have tested AC for cold,maybe try test again,after completely cooled off,check for cold air.Is this a clutch problem or possibly both?Thanks,   Ray.

The compressor could be the cause.  But before you spend any money on clutch.  Lift car up and try and push the clutch plate closer to the clutch hub.  There is a tool for that but you may not be able to fit in that tight space.  If you get a long screw driver and set it in front of the plate near the center try and hammer it in some.  This has worked in the past and at least you can check your compressor before you spend money.