Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: 95 Surburban A/C problem, raidio, correct speed

I have a 95 surburban that has been having front A/C blower problems for years. At first I thought that the kids had dropped crayons in the defrost duct and had jambed up the doors that direct the position of the air. The problem is that the air does not come out of the correct port. The blower blows at the correct speed, but it blows behind the dash board. I have replaced the A/C heater control swich below the raidio. No help. Just lately, the A/C started to work properly for 15 minutes, when the car was cold, then it went back to the same problem. It would seem as though the servo that controls the duct selection is not calibrated with the duct port. Another issue is the on off switch for the A/C. It quit a year ago. I have currently got it working by way of a jumper lead straight to the battery. Can anyone help with the next place to look? I would like to get this fixed, but I am out of ideas.  

Hi David

Disconnect your battery and reconnect about a minute later see if your servo's recalibrate.  If this does not help check the servo on the drivers side this one controls your panel and defrost doors.  Check your cycling switch at the accumulator make sure current is going through.  Also check high pressure switch  behind compressor see if that is working properly.