Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: recharging air, plymouth voyager, compressor clutch

cannot recharge ac in my 1998 cadilac northstar I have recharged my plymouth voyager with out problem but I think cadilac will not recharge because computer will not let air turn on to accept recharge anything I am missing or need to do different with cadilac


To the best of my knowledge and in my experiences, there is absolutely nothing done differently. Automotive A/C systems are pretty standard, the only differences are in the controls and logic. But I have done many a caddy and it was the same as all others. Here is the run down.

Locate your low pressure switch. This is located somewhere on your LOW side pressure line. Either in a hard portion of the line itself or on your accumulator. Your accumulator is an aluminum canister roughly the girth of a soda can with 2 hard lines coming from the TOP. Usually it is located on the passenger side of the engine compartment near the strut tower. Unplug this switch and with a small insulated wire jump the two terminals in the plug itself. This will enable your clutch to engage making the charging go much quicker and easier.

Once the switch is jumped, start your engine, turn on your A/C and charge the system according to the directions on the kit you purchased.

If you jump this switch and you do not see or hear your compressor clutch engage (engine and A/C on) then you may have something else going on that needs to be looked at.

I hope that this was of a little help, if I can do anything more, do not hesitate to ask. Thank you for your question and good luck in everything.