Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: air conditioning, jeep grand cherokee, weather temps

I have a 1997 jeep grand cherokee with the 5.2 v 8.when weather temps on in the 70s ac works fine bur the highrt yhe ambient temp the less  cold air is pur out
say at 95 speed lower then 30 no air just warm air mat speeds of 70 mph i get cooler air but not cold
system was check and i was told it is fine.
when ir is running and i put water from garden shose thu girls and cooll evperator down air temp will droip to 62 from vents does evap need cleaning or replaced

Something is not quite right here. The evaporator is under the dash inside the vehicle. How are you spraying water on it ?.

i would have anothe A/C facility check it out again just to make sure it is ok.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with it.